January 1, 2010

The Bird-Squirrel Children

           I just recorded this dream on my phone, I didn’t stop to think that it was on new years and that I could make a resolution out of recording them.  I just happened to recorded them on my phone starting at the first of the year and whenever I could so far after that. 
In this dream there was a momma bird and a poppa squirrel that both lived in a tree with several children.  For some reason the poppa squirrel had to go south for the winter and leave his family, which was a hard ordeal for him.  I remember watching him hang from a tree branch by his tail, which was also a big brow pipe cleaner, watching the sun set.   Now that I think about it he was staring off in the direction he was getting ready to head off to; but the sun doesn’t set in the south.  Poppa’ll probably be getting a Tom-tom for Christmas.  After poppa squirrel left it was just momma bird and her children.  The weird(er) thing about that is that the children weren’t birds, or squirrels, or some sort of hybrid, but human kids; and I was one of them.  Most of the kids were kept in the bottom of the tree trunk while Momma and Poppa and one of the kids stayed up at the top.  The one kid that lived up at the top of the tree was throwing things down the trunk and it was landing on the kids that were down there.  To get the kid to stop I had to climb up the center of the tree to the top and I was gonna tell him off.  When I got to the top I looked at the kid and he looked at me and we said both said nothing for a second.  I could tell he was thinking “how did he just do that?” … Then I woke up. 

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