January 3, 2010

Black Pepper Chicken Pizza

I was in Sparta (Illinois) by myself and I was about at the place where Lollie’s is by the car wash.  Everything was spaced out really far.  It was still Sparta, I knew that everything was where it should be, but there were empty fields in between the buildings or something.  I was walking toward the car wash and I saw John McCaleb walking in the field between the highway and the carwash.  As I got closer I heard him singing a Christian song (I’m thinking it might’ve been a song from Tree63 but I’m not for sure).  I told him that I liked that song, he told me he did too, and we both kept going our separate ways.  Then all of a sudden I was with a group of guys in a car, still heading to the car wash, and I had to go to the bathroom.  I told the guys to go to the car wash because I had to pee, and one of them said a stupid joke like, “well I do to so maybe I should just pee in your mouth”.  After he said that I was kind of wondering why anyone would think that was funny or why I was hanging out with this guy.  The car wash wasn’t just a car wash; it also had a concession stand on the same lot as it.  I don’t remember what the guys wanted me to get but they said they were hungry so they were making me order them all something to eat from the stand (which Sis. Trina was working at).  I think I was going to order a pizza and was deciding what to put on it but was also arguing with the guys about how one of them should get out here and order because I Really had to pee.  I quickly gave up on trying to get them to get out of the car and order and I just ordered some random toppings for the pizza (black pepper chicken, like the kind from Chinese places).  As I was paying for the food I was thinking, “man I really gotta pee!”  … Then I woke up and thought, “man I really gotta pee!”

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