January 19, 2010

Snake Pit

Everyone has a fear, Snakephobia is mine.  I’m not saying that I scream when I see a hose in the yard because it reminds me of something that slithers.  I do however get the willies from those realistic rubber snake things though, but only if they’re placed right … (shhhh, don’t tell anyone). 
I can only remember the last part of the dream (like almost always).  I was in a tall cylinder type thing that stood vertically about 20 feet in the air.  I knew that there were other cylinders around the one I was in that were just the same with people in them as well.  At the top of my cylinder/pit thing was a giant snake.  Assuming that I was my normal size and the snake was misproportioned instead of vice versa; the snake had a head as big as a small car and a body at least in diameter.  He stared at me … Then I woke up. 

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