January 7, 2010

You Can Call Me Gold-ish Locks

In this dream I was at a big convention or camp with some people from my church group.  We were all waiting for an elevator to go up (to our hotel room I was guessing).  The first two elevators that came open were almost instantaneously packed to the gills with our young people.  The only two that couldn’t fit on were me and Keisha Wilson.  Our luck was good though because along the other wall of elevators there was an empty one that had just came open.  We both rushed inside and hit our floor number quickly before anyone could crowd us out of our place (we actually did this so quickly we ended up being the only two on the elevator).  The elevator had one glass side to see though.  The glass side was open to the inside of the hotel.  This building had a dining area in it and as we were passing by that floor I saw my grandma and Sister Della Hiller, an elder in our church, sitting at a table that was right by the elevator.  I knew that she had ridden the bus with us and I was trying to tell her to go up to her room and get ready to leave because we would be leaving soon.  But she didn’t understand me and Sister Della looked at me like I just threw up on purpose or something and the elevator kept going up so I couldn’t do anything about it. 
Just after that the dream changed in physical location but not the actual story line.  I was still with a bunch of my church family at a convention type thing getting ready to head home from the hotel, but the hotel wasn’t this big fancy one with glass elevators and diners in it.  The hotel we were staying in was now the high rise in Cutler (the high rise is a set of apartment buildings that my grandma and a few friends of mine have lived in).  Though I never seen it I knew that we were all in rooms divided out so that there would be an older chaperone person with the younger people and that my grandma had two youth girls in her room.  I can’t remember one of them, but I know that the other one was Daesha Ruby.  I was in the women’s bathroom of this place (which is completely fictional, jut FYI) with my grandma standing watch at the door.  I had already done whatever I had to do and was standing at the sink washing my hands and looking in the mirror.  … Now in real life I’ve been thinking that I need a hair cut anyways … As I looked in the mirror I saw that my hair had gotten a little out of control.  It had grown long enough to come down past my shoulders and just above the middle of my back.  I was freaking out at first because I had not noticed that my hair was that long until now, then I also was freaking out because someone had cut my bangs at crazy weird angles, then I was freaking out because I had some kind of crazy black and blond dye job.  I noticed that when I woke up that when I was looking in the mirror that I kind of looked like Jacob off the Twilight movies.  I went to dry my hands and leave the bathroom, but the electric dryer started pouring out water so I just stuffed a trashcan under it and dried my hands off on my shirt. 
         I came out of the bathroom and saw a friend of mine, Brittany Powell, walking down the hall and I ran to show her my hair.  I wanted to ask her if she’d noticed it before and why I hadn’t but she was on the phone.  While I was waiting for her to get done talking I walked with her to the front of the building and went out into the foyer.  There I heard he telling the person on the phone that they were trying to load up the church van but there were too many people to fit in.  I thought about just walking home because even though it’d be a LONG walk Cutler’s apartments are only a few miles from where I live and I knew I could make it ... Then I woke up.

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