January 11, 2010

Zombie Drama

Anyone like Resident Evil? …  This one starts with me in a zombie video game.  Just like in the video games there was a short introduction to the main character that had to be sat through before I could start blowing apart zombies.  In this introduction it showed me and one other guy being some kind of armed guards.  We were talking about how this other guy didn’t feel comfortable packing a gun so he stashed his in the basement of the building where we worked.  I thought to myself, “I’ll bet he’s gonna regret that”.  We were on our way down to the basement to get his gun and the game started.  The guy that was keeping his gun in the basement didn’t make it but there were other people in my party that used his gun.   Throughout the game I was known to be the guy that put to many bullets into the zombie bosses when I should’ve known it would take something special to kill them.  One of these bosses was at least twice my size with purple brains hanging out of the top of his skull.  I unloaded almost half a clip into his brain before he got to me; it did nothing to him.  The peak of his charge collided with my chest and my gun went flying out of my grasp.  As soon as we both hit the ground in a tangled heap the dream changed. 
I was still wrestling someone twice my size but he wasn’t a zombie, I wasn’t a guard, and we weren’t in the same place anymore.  I was some kind maniac who had been part of a great play and was now trying to recreate the storyline with the actor’s lives.  The person I was wrestling was David Powell, a friend of mine that’s easily twice my size.  I was holding my own and feeling pretty good about myself (but of course I was doing pretty good, it’s my dream of course I’ll be the best at whatever I’m doing).  We brawled for quite awhile before I figured out what I had to do to beat this boss (some of the video game thing coming back).  I knocked him onto his back, grabbed his feet, and twisted him so that he was almost standing on his head and putting the pressure of his body weight on his neck … Then I woke up. 

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