January 5, 2010

Prison Break and Demon Chihuahua

I missed something in the first part of the dream.  I know that I was in some sort of prison and there was a massive announcement/presentation of some kind where everyone was gathered in an auditorium type place that had huge sets of bleachers that could fold up against the walls for storage.  I know that in the first part of the dream I missed that I was sitting up in a high part of the bleachers that was now having problems folding up.  I don’t know exactly how I knew or how I was told to go underneath the bleachers, but that’s what I did.  When I went under the bleachers I saw this pool of plastic cylinders and this person that I was supposed to talk to.  The cylinders were the size of bottles but they had no lids or bottoms to them and they were all facing one direction and had some sort of light shining up through them.  They were stacked about chest high (maybe just a little lower) and seemed to be held in place by a row of glass cylinders that ran around the other plastic ones.  I started having a conversation with the person that was down under the bleachers about the prison and how things were and worked.  I think the person I was talking to was someone spiritual and they told me that they were going to bust me and someone else that was with me out of prison because we shouldn’t be there and there was really bad spiritual stuff going on there.  Of course I was on board with that. 
After I left the bleachers I went back to my cell, which actually happened to look a lot like an extremely awful hotel room or a horrible master bed room of a trailer with it’s own bathroom connected to it.  I would have guessed that a prison cell would have been worse though.   When I got in the room I explained what the guy under the bleachers said to the other guy in my cell.   What we had done with the cell was kind of like what Sam and Dean Winchester off the TV show Supernatural do.  The room had all kinds of markings and things hanging from around the door that was supposed to keep bad things from coming in.  Then something started to come through the bathroom mirror and into the room with us.  This thing was like a baby doll.  It had something like hamburger in it’s hair and a knife stuck in it’s head and it’s face was all messed up.  I think that it was supposed to be like a bad omen or something like that.  Just then some small little messed up looking monster about the size of a chihuahua tried to fly through the door way.  It was having trouble with all the wards I had set up for protection but was slowly worming it’s way through.  Just before it wiggled through the last layer of protection some big dark skinned guy that was in the cell across from us walked by and called the little beastie by name and it zoomed right out of our room and back into this guys.  I couldn’t believe that this atrocity would come to it’s name like how I just saw, so I said it’s name for some stupid reason.  The thing raced right into the room but before it could do anything the owner called it back scoldingly like someone would a dog.  Just before the owner could shut the door though the thing tried to come at the room a third time.  Unlike the second time when it was called, it had trouble getting through the layers of protection that had been put up.  Before it could try to dig it’s way through I shut the door in it’s face.  The door though was like some doors in some trailers that are almost 2 or 3 inches off the ground, only it was about 5 inches high.  I thought something along the lines of, “oh great, that’s not gonna help” and then the dream changed and I was somewhere else. 
In this part of the dream I was in a big trailer (bigger than a double wide) that was out in some kind of Hillbilly Montana.  I knew it was a trailer park but I also knew that we were in the mountains and that there was a lot of space between this trailer and any other one that might be around.  I was on a tan sectional with Sister Suzi, Vince, and I knew that some other people around (maybe Brother Dave)…  All those people are people from my church.  We were all talking about how trashy this trailer was.  It was definitely a trailer in some place like Montana, but I also knew it was Robert Cauldwell’s house (I don’t know why that is or how that works but that’s how it was).  Robert Cauldwell is a friend of my mom’s that goes way back.  And … Then I woke up. 

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