January 20, 2010

Mario’s Wedding Present

I find it amusing that the things I do right before I got to sleep are creeping into my dreams more and more.  Last night I played Super Mario Brothers for WII. 
I dreamed that I was at Jayson and Raquel Pagan’s wedding.  I know both Jayson and Raquel from my church, where I am more likely to call them Brother/Sister Pagan, and I am pretty good friends with Bro. Pagan.  I didn’t get to go to their wedding in real life, I guess I just decided to visit it in dream world or something (I don’t know). 
Here’s where Mario kicks in … At the reception I saw that all the wedding presents were those little boxes with the question marks on them that pops out mushrooms and stuff like that.  They were floating in the air beside the main wedding table and all I could think about was running under one and busting one of those power-up things out.  I was waiting until he wasn’t looking for my chance knowing that I wouldn’t take it … I’m not that mean.   He turned his head … Then I woke up. 

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