January 4, 2010

Crazy Killer Rabbit

This one’s a short one because I forgot most of it before I could really get a chance to think about it.  If I don’t force myself to recall every detail of a dream as soon as I’m done dreaming it I’ll forget what it’s about.  That’s why I’ve been recording some of my dreams so far on my phone.  When I say them out loud to record them it helps me remember. 
The part I remember was actually just the end of the dream.  I had just walked into a room from somewhere that might have been a party or something (all I remember is wherever I just came from there were several people).  The room I just walked into was in someone’s house and it was all dark.  I noticed something moving off in the corner or in a closet or something like that; the point was that it was off in the far shadows and was hard to see.  I could tell that it was some sort of freaky rabbit thing, like a rabbet with a head just a little bigger than mine and a snout longer than it should be.  The thing was staring at me like the wild animal it was wondering what I was going to do.  I wondered myself about what I was going to do, but I guess I figured that the thing couldn’t be too dangerous if and was probably easily scared.  So I tried to scare it away.  I did a little yell/roar thing that I can do and that usually can scare (or at least startle) most anything or anyone.  … I startled the thing alright, I scared it so bad that it came at me.  It jumped at me so fast that it was like a snake strike and latched onto my shoulder.  Obviously I was freaking out … Then I woke up. 

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