January 18, 2010

Cookie Feet

This dream contains graphic description and may not be suitable for children, those with weak stomachs, or sensitive amputee victims.

This dream was set up just like an action movie with several things happening and several stories unfolding at once.  I only remember two of the things that were happening together. 
One of them was Laura Allen, a friend of mine, in a car racing to the train station to give someone some piece of information before they left somewhere on the train.  On the way to the station she passed some new form of power generator that was connected to the train tracks and extended off the side of them like a mini power plant. 
Laura had got to the train station to late and ended up sending the person a letter, then decided that she couldn’t wait for the postal system to reach the person.  So she took off back the way she came which was also the way the train was headed and it had started to rain heavily.  By the time she got to the bridge it was completely flooded out and the flood waters were rising at unrealistic rates.  Within a matter of seconds there was so much water in the river that it was making the ground toss like waves in the ocean for some reason and her car was looking more and more like the boat that turned completely vertical in that movie The Perfect Storm.  She drove it up behind a square bolder for some kind of protection.
At this time there was dialogue talking about how storms can be dangerous and yet still offer protection.  I’m guessing that the ground had turned sideways to keep the river from getting to us or something like that.  But if the horizon was actually turning vertical for some reason a river would be the least of my worries. 
The other part of the story that was unfolding at this time was the train that had left the station.  I don’t remember what had happened on the train until it got to the point where it had tried to go across the flooded bridge, and failed.  The part of the train that the movie/dream was following had cleared the bridge, but was now filled with water and no longer on the tracks. 
There was somebody on the outside with a gun and that was going to shoot through the glass but he had to have everyone that was inside swim out of the way.  I remember two people that were on the inside that swam out of the way; one was Tory Hogravy and another was Soncy Gower.   Tory was also helping other people to get out of the way as well as herself.  The guy took aim and shot.  (This is where I’m actually in the dream now and not just watching other people).  I was thankful that this guy had saved my life, but angry because of all the places he could have shot it had to be about 6 inches above someone’s head where the bullet landed. 
After that people were trying to find out who was ok and William Frederking, a friend of mine’s little brother, asked if I was alright.  I told him I was for some reason when I obviously wasn’t; my feet were cut up pretty bad.  I wasn’t really bleeding but the bottoms of my feet looked like someone took some crazy cookie cutter to them and cut them off (“EEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!” I almost didn’t put the foot part in here because it’s really freaking me out).  After William left I turned and found a rag (which was actually the bed pants that I thought about wearing to bed last night but grabbed a different pair that was closer) and started tearing it into shreds to wrap my feet in … Then I woke up.

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