January 22, 2010

V.I.P. Pass to the Wal-Mart Bouncer

The people who are around me the most are usually the people that end up with their name’s scrolling across the screen at the end of my dreams. 
This dream starts with Brittany Powell, my friend from church, driving a car again.  This time it’s not a limo but just an average car.  Brittany and I were both in this car in some city looking for some kind of convention center or arena with several other people from the Cutler youth group.  She wasn’t sure how to get to where she was going; she showed this by freaking out when I made her miss the wrong turn she was set on taking.  She wanted to go left before she had to go right which wouldn’t have taken us where we needed to go. 
Once we got to this convention center we started to walk up towards one of the doors with our tickets.  The only one of the people that I remember being with us was Kaylyn Pendergrass.  She had some kind of V.I.P pass where we had only regular tickets so she was going to skip the line, go in, and save us some seats.  I had my computer bag with me and gave it to her to use as to save a seat, and then she left us with the line.  The dream then fast-forwarded through us waiting in line to the point where we were up at the door with the bouncer, which happened to be a really sweet older lady that I only know because I’ve seen her working at Wal-Mart … Then I woke up. 

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