January 12, 2010

Back on the Bus

Sorry to say, but this one’s kind of a boring one.  But I remember it and now that I have this little blog my friends are always wondering if they’re in my dreams because they know I’ll be keeping track of it.  Here we go …
I was on my way home from school on the bus with one of my text books with me.  I’m guessing I was coming home from high school because I can’t take a bus to college (I’m not happy about that).  Though I was in high school I was worried about messing up my book because I wanted to sell it back to the book store at school (which obviously isn’t like high school).  I was sitting in the back of the bus with a friend of mine, Ericka Gatze, then decided to move up to the front to talk to the bus driver for a second.  When I was up there I saw that a bunch of the younger, elementary, kids had BlackBerry phones and were playing with them trying to get on the internet.  I made a joke about how the bus driver probably couldn’t figure out how to use the internet on his phone making all the kids laugh.  Then the bus driver, which seemed to be a friend of mine, pulled out his BlackBerry Storm and got on Google while driving down the road to prove that he could. 
After that I got annoyed with sitting up by the little kids and moved back to sit in my original seat with Ericka.  When the bus stopped at my stop (which also happened to be at my house) my mom ran on the bus saying that she had to sign some kind of permission slip of mine and give it to the bus driver before I got off the bus.  Whatever she had to sign was in my book, and I couldn’t find my book.  I was freaking out for two reasons.   #1 I lost my book I was gonna sell #2 I lost something that needed to be signed.   Ericka said something about seeing Sebastian, my brother, with my book as he got off the bus … Then I woke up. 

1 comment:

  1. You have to stay on the bus until I employ a PI to track your brother down. Hold on let me get a blanky so you wont be cold tonight...
