January 6, 2010

Taking Nemo for a Ride

I was hanging out with some friends at someone’s house (I love how dreams can be SO specific), and we decide to rent some movies.  The closest video store was Main Street Video in Sparta, so that’s where I went to get some movies.  I knew what video store it was supposed to be even though it didn’t look anything like the actual video store.  It looked like a two story town mini house in an upper class urban area.  I pulled up outside and went to get out and noticed that I hadn’t fed my fish in my car in awhile.  Yeah, that’s right, I had a fish tank in my car.  It was about eight inches tall by ten inches long with two sections, one of which could rotate, all built into my dash.  I was looking at my fish tank for a second and then I noticed that my car was about half filled with water and one of my fish was swimming around in the front.  I was going to use a little green net that came with my fish tank to put him back in, but I figured that I’d only be in the store for a second so it’d be alright.  I hopped out of the car and shut the door real fast so my fish didn’t fall out.  Brian Watkins (a friend of mine from my church) was in the back seat of the car and he was trying to tell me something in sign language.  I don’t know what he really said and in the dream I didn’t really care because it was raining outside and I didn’t want to get wet (I guess swimming in my car with my fish didn’t get me as wet as someone would think.  
I went into the video store and the inside didn’t look anything like main street video either.  Debbie, the woman who almost always works at main street video, wasn’t even there.  But I still somehow knew that this was the right video store.  On my way in I had to hop over this little board / mini  partition that stood about 4 inches tall, was about half an inch thick, and ran almost all the way across the bottom of the door frame.  I had no clue what that was and still don’t.  When I got into there I realized that I forgot witch movies I wanted to get.  I kept thinking that they all had something to do with Arnold Schwarzenegger; and then I kept telling myself, “Why would I want six movies about Arnold Schwarzenegger?”.  The girl that was working asked if I needed help and I told her that I was looking for some older movies, but that I couldn’t think of which ones.  She, who looked extremely Goth and was kind of freaking me out, said that they had some more old movies in the back and walked back there.  I think she might of wanted me to follow her but I just grabbed some random movies and left.   … Then I woke up. 

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