January 22, 2010

V.I.P. Pass to the Wal-Mart Bouncer

The people who are around me the most are usually the people that end up with their name’s scrolling across the screen at the end of my dreams. 
This dream starts with Brittany Powell, my friend from church, driving a car again.  This time it’s not a limo but just an average car.  Brittany and I were both in this car in some city looking for some kind of convention center or arena with several other people from the Cutler youth group.  She wasn’t sure how to get to where she was going; she showed this by freaking out when I made her miss the wrong turn she was set on taking.  She wanted to go left before she had to go right which wouldn’t have taken us where we needed to go. 
Once we got to this convention center we started to walk up towards one of the doors with our tickets.  The only one of the people that I remember being with us was Kaylyn Pendergrass.  She had some kind of V.I.P pass where we had only regular tickets so she was going to skip the line, go in, and save us some seats.  I had my computer bag with me and gave it to her to use as to save a seat, and then she left us with the line.  The dream then fast-forwarded through us waiting in line to the point where we were up at the door with the bouncer, which happened to be a really sweet older lady that I only know because I’ve seen her working at Wal-Mart … Then I woke up. 

January 21, 2010

Cabin Partier to Tomb Rader to Human Juke Box

This one starts off with me dreaming big and wild; then just ends up wild.
I was with Brittany and Dave Powell in a stretch limousine heading to a barn/cabin thing that they owned out in the woods.  Brittany was driving the limo, but wasn’t sitting in the driver’s seat.  Somehow she was driving from the back of the limo and I was sitting farther up than her.  We were getting ready to head up a big hill and I tried to tell Brittany to let me out and I’d walk up it because if she drove up it I’d slide back and fall on her.  I spoke up to late though and had to dig my fingers into the seat to keep myself from sliding. 
We got to the cabin place and I knew that Dave’s mom was inside but I never went in.  There were picnic tables outside all set up ready for a bunch of people to sit down and eat.  Ron Kincaid, a guy from my church, was pouring drinks; one of the drinks Ron pouring was for Rodger Koker, another church guy.  Rodger told Ron that he wanted some of the last of the Dr. Pepper but to give the last little bit to Jarren, Rodger’s son.  After I heard that I turned around because I had heard a car door and saw the Steeleville cop getting out of a car and coming up to the barn like he was gonna be part of the party. 
Then the dream completely changed, me and Robert Bosing, a friend of mine, were walking toward this tomb type thing that was on display behind some metal fences.  For some reason Robert was angry with me and was doing this really annoying angry-brooding thing that was getting on my nerves.  We hopped over the fence and went closer to the ruins because there was a group of people that we knew getting ready to go in. 
I was one of the people who went into the cavern/tomb/ruins along with my mom, Christy McIntyre, and two other people who I knew from my church, Dawn Wilson and LaDena Farris.  The outside of this thing looked kind of like the mounds in Chahokeoia (I don’t know how to spell Chahokeia) but the inside looked like ancient Egyptian stuff.  We were all poking around in this cave like it was some place that we could snoop in and play around.  I walked around toward the back of the room ad saw some hieroglyphics on a pedestal kind of thing for a raised platform.  One of the characters looked different than the others; so I touched it.  … That was a stupid move … At first nothing really happened too much, but I heard something like trickling water from underneath this large/round bottomed statue that was up on the platform.  I don’t know why I didn’t warn the other people in there (I just didn’t), but I started making my way towards the entrance. By the time I made it to the front of the cave water had flooded almost all the cavern and was still rising fast.  There was a bolder sitting just inside the opening that was somehow lighter than water so that when the waters rose the bolder would rise as well and seal off the entrance.  Me being the first one to the bolder, because I was already on my way out, was trying to hold it back so that it wouldn’t close everyone in the cave. 
All four of us got out just fine, but then the dream changed.  My mom and I were back at our house and we had just knocked out the foundation to the back of our house for some reason.  I was thinking that Rodger Koker, mentioned earlier, had said it needed to be done because the back part of our house was dragging down the front part.  Right after we had the back end of the house resting on the ground with the floor twisted and splintered Rodger poked his head in the window.  He told us that we understood him all wrong and that we shouldn’t have collapsed the back end of our house’s foundation because we were now going to have to spend 2% more on our power (or something like that).  
As he was rebelling on about statistics and percentages I really couldn’t hear him because I had my head phones in.  I took my head phones out so I would know what he was talking about, but the music didn’t stop.  The music was somehow playing in my head.  We walked out of the collapsed back end of my house and into the kitchen where Rodger was still talking and I had to confess to him that I couldn’t hear anything that he was talking about because of the music in my head.  I thought to myself, Dear God! Am I like a sketso person only I’m hearing music instead of voices?  When I told Rodger a friend of mine from my youth group, Michael Frederking, was there, heard, and was laughing at me.  We went to walk in to the living room and Michael named off some other song than the one that was already playing upstairs and the new song started off like some special request … Then I woke up. 

January 20, 2010

Mario’s Wedding Present

I find it amusing that the things I do right before I got to sleep are creeping into my dreams more and more.  Last night I played Super Mario Brothers for WII. 
I dreamed that I was at Jayson and Raquel Pagan’s wedding.  I know both Jayson and Raquel from my church, where I am more likely to call them Brother/Sister Pagan, and I am pretty good friends with Bro. Pagan.  I didn’t get to go to their wedding in real life, I guess I just decided to visit it in dream world or something (I don’t know). 
Here’s where Mario kicks in … At the reception I saw that all the wedding presents were those little boxes with the question marks on them that pops out mushrooms and stuff like that.  They were floating in the air beside the main wedding table and all I could think about was running under one and busting one of those power-up things out.  I was waiting until he wasn’t looking for my chance knowing that I wouldn’t take it … I’m not that mean.   He turned his head … Then I woke up. 

January 19, 2010

Snake Pit

Everyone has a fear, Snakephobia is mine.  I’m not saying that I scream when I see a hose in the yard because it reminds me of something that slithers.  I do however get the willies from those realistic rubber snake things though, but only if they’re placed right … (shhhh, don’t tell anyone). 
I can only remember the last part of the dream (like almost always).  I was in a tall cylinder type thing that stood vertically about 20 feet in the air.  I knew that there were other cylinders around the one I was in that were just the same with people in them as well.  At the top of my cylinder/pit thing was a giant snake.  Assuming that I was my normal size and the snake was misproportioned instead of vice versa; the snake had a head as big as a small car and a body at least in diameter.  He stared at me … Then I woke up. 

January 18, 2010

Cookie Feet

This dream contains graphic description and may not be suitable for children, those with weak stomachs, or sensitive amputee victims.

This dream was set up just like an action movie with several things happening and several stories unfolding at once.  I only remember two of the things that were happening together. 
One of them was Laura Allen, a friend of mine, in a car racing to the train station to give someone some piece of information before they left somewhere on the train.  On the way to the station she passed some new form of power generator that was connected to the train tracks and extended off the side of them like a mini power plant. 
Laura had got to the train station to late and ended up sending the person a letter, then decided that she couldn’t wait for the postal system to reach the person.  So she took off back the way she came which was also the way the train was headed and it had started to rain heavily.  By the time she got to the bridge it was completely flooded out and the flood waters were rising at unrealistic rates.  Within a matter of seconds there was so much water in the river that it was making the ground toss like waves in the ocean for some reason and her car was looking more and more like the boat that turned completely vertical in that movie The Perfect Storm.  She drove it up behind a square bolder for some kind of protection.
At this time there was dialogue talking about how storms can be dangerous and yet still offer protection.  I’m guessing that the ground had turned sideways to keep the river from getting to us or something like that.  But if the horizon was actually turning vertical for some reason a river would be the least of my worries. 
The other part of the story that was unfolding at this time was the train that had left the station.  I don’t remember what had happened on the train until it got to the point where it had tried to go across the flooded bridge, and failed.  The part of the train that the movie/dream was following had cleared the bridge, but was now filled with water and no longer on the tracks. 
There was somebody on the outside with a gun and that was going to shoot through the glass but he had to have everyone that was inside swim out of the way.  I remember two people that were on the inside that swam out of the way; one was Tory Hogravy and another was Soncy Gower.   Tory was also helping other people to get out of the way as well as herself.  The guy took aim and shot.  (This is where I’m actually in the dream now and not just watching other people).  I was thankful that this guy had saved my life, but angry because of all the places he could have shot it had to be about 6 inches above someone’s head where the bullet landed. 
After that people were trying to find out who was ok and William Frederking, a friend of mine’s little brother, asked if I was alright.  I told him I was for some reason when I obviously wasn’t; my feet were cut up pretty bad.  I wasn’t really bleeding but the bottoms of my feet looked like someone took some crazy cookie cutter to them and cut them off (“EEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!” I almost didn’t put the foot part in here because it’s really freaking me out).  After William left I turned and found a rag (which was actually the bed pants that I thought about wearing to bed last night but grabbed a different pair that was closer) and started tearing it into shreds to wrap my feet in … Then I woke up.

January 15, 2010

That's Right ... A Roar

Have you ever felt bad for something you did in a dream?
I had a dream last night that me and several other people, Josh Cathcart being one of them, were in a cafeteria type setting.  The only person I can actually remember being there was Josh, but I was really trying to not pay attention to him.  Josh is a good kid but I was trying to hold a conversation with some people that were closer to my age; Josh is only 12.    As I was trying to talk to other people and joke around while he was doing all kinds of annoying stuff trying to get my attention and doing everything but saying, “Please look at me, PLEASE!”.  I would never I would never actually do what I did next in this dream; and I’d like to say that I’d never even think about it (but if I’ve dreamed about it … ).  At the height of his annoyance and the point where I couldn’t take it any more I turned toward Josh and roared at him.  I didn’t just yell at him, I actually roared; like a lion.  I know I must’ve freaked out Josh because I could tell that I freaked out everyone else in the room.  But I didn’t wait for a response from him and didn’t care about anyone else’s.  I just picked up fork and started eating my food and looking around like nothing happened and nothing was wrong. … Then I woke up

January 13, 2010

Rain Lord

I had my phone on the ready for recording my dreams as soon as I wake up from them.  And I’d wake up and reach for my phone to record what I remembered several times, from several dreams.  I never quite got to the voice recorder though. 
The only part of a dream that I remember was that Shari Hopkins, Patty Warren (two women from my church), and I were all practicing for us singing a special song.  I think the song was Rain Lord …  I don’t know who it’s by, just that we sing it in church sometimes.
“Like a mighty wind / Blow through this house / Open up the heavens / And pour Your Spirit out / Raaain Lord / Rain Lord / Rain Lord / Rain Lord / God almighty let Your Holy Spirit Rain”

January 12, 2010

Back on the Bus

Sorry to say, but this one’s kind of a boring one.  But I remember it and now that I have this little blog my friends are always wondering if they’re in my dreams because they know I’ll be keeping track of it.  Here we go …
I was on my way home from school on the bus with one of my text books with me.  I’m guessing I was coming home from high school because I can’t take a bus to college (I’m not happy about that).  Though I was in high school I was worried about messing up my book because I wanted to sell it back to the book store at school (which obviously isn’t like high school).  I was sitting in the back of the bus with a friend of mine, Ericka Gatze, then decided to move up to the front to talk to the bus driver for a second.  When I was up there I saw that a bunch of the younger, elementary, kids had BlackBerry phones and were playing with them trying to get on the internet.  I made a joke about how the bus driver probably couldn’t figure out how to use the internet on his phone making all the kids laugh.  Then the bus driver, which seemed to be a friend of mine, pulled out his BlackBerry Storm and got on Google while driving down the road to prove that he could. 
After that I got annoyed with sitting up by the little kids and moved back to sit in my original seat with Ericka.  When the bus stopped at my stop (which also happened to be at my house) my mom ran on the bus saying that she had to sign some kind of permission slip of mine and give it to the bus driver before I got off the bus.  Whatever she had to sign was in my book, and I couldn’t find my book.  I was freaking out for two reasons.   #1 I lost my book I was gonna sell #2 I lost something that needed to be signed.   Ericka said something about seeing Sebastian, my brother, with my book as he got off the bus … Then I woke up. 

January 11, 2010

Zombie Drama

Anyone like Resident Evil? …  This one starts with me in a zombie video game.  Just like in the video games there was a short introduction to the main character that had to be sat through before I could start blowing apart zombies.  In this introduction it showed me and one other guy being some kind of armed guards.  We were talking about how this other guy didn’t feel comfortable packing a gun so he stashed his in the basement of the building where we worked.  I thought to myself, “I’ll bet he’s gonna regret that”.  We were on our way down to the basement to get his gun and the game started.  The guy that was keeping his gun in the basement didn’t make it but there were other people in my party that used his gun.   Throughout the game I was known to be the guy that put to many bullets into the zombie bosses when I should’ve known it would take something special to kill them.  One of these bosses was at least twice my size with purple brains hanging out of the top of his skull.  I unloaded almost half a clip into his brain before he got to me; it did nothing to him.  The peak of his charge collided with my chest and my gun went flying out of my grasp.  As soon as we both hit the ground in a tangled heap the dream changed. 
I was still wrestling someone twice my size but he wasn’t a zombie, I wasn’t a guard, and we weren’t in the same place anymore.  I was some kind maniac who had been part of a great play and was now trying to recreate the storyline with the actor’s lives.  The person I was wrestling was David Powell, a friend of mine that’s easily twice my size.  I was holding my own and feeling pretty good about myself (but of course I was doing pretty good, it’s my dream of course I’ll be the best at whatever I’m doing).  We brawled for quite awhile before I figured out what I had to do to beat this boss (some of the video game thing coming back).  I knocked him onto his back, grabbed his feet, and twisted him so that he was almost standing on his head and putting the pressure of his body weight on his neck … Then I woke up. 

January 7, 2010

You Can Call Me Gold-ish Locks

In this dream I was at a big convention or camp with some people from my church group.  We were all waiting for an elevator to go up (to our hotel room I was guessing).  The first two elevators that came open were almost instantaneously packed to the gills with our young people.  The only two that couldn’t fit on were me and Keisha Wilson.  Our luck was good though because along the other wall of elevators there was an empty one that had just came open.  We both rushed inside and hit our floor number quickly before anyone could crowd us out of our place (we actually did this so quickly we ended up being the only two on the elevator).  The elevator had one glass side to see though.  The glass side was open to the inside of the hotel.  This building had a dining area in it and as we were passing by that floor I saw my grandma and Sister Della Hiller, an elder in our church, sitting at a table that was right by the elevator.  I knew that she had ridden the bus with us and I was trying to tell her to go up to her room and get ready to leave because we would be leaving soon.  But she didn’t understand me and Sister Della looked at me like I just threw up on purpose or something and the elevator kept going up so I couldn’t do anything about it. 
Just after that the dream changed in physical location but not the actual story line.  I was still with a bunch of my church family at a convention type thing getting ready to head home from the hotel, but the hotel wasn’t this big fancy one with glass elevators and diners in it.  The hotel we were staying in was now the high rise in Cutler (the high rise is a set of apartment buildings that my grandma and a few friends of mine have lived in).  Though I never seen it I knew that we were all in rooms divided out so that there would be an older chaperone person with the younger people and that my grandma had two youth girls in her room.  I can’t remember one of them, but I know that the other one was Daesha Ruby.  I was in the women’s bathroom of this place (which is completely fictional, jut FYI) with my grandma standing watch at the door.  I had already done whatever I had to do and was standing at the sink washing my hands and looking in the mirror.  … Now in real life I’ve been thinking that I need a hair cut anyways … As I looked in the mirror I saw that my hair had gotten a little out of control.  It had grown long enough to come down past my shoulders and just above the middle of my back.  I was freaking out at first because I had not noticed that my hair was that long until now, then I also was freaking out because someone had cut my bangs at crazy weird angles, then I was freaking out because I had some kind of crazy black and blond dye job.  I noticed that when I woke up that when I was looking in the mirror that I kind of looked like Jacob off the Twilight movies.  I went to dry my hands and leave the bathroom, but the electric dryer started pouring out water so I just stuffed a trashcan under it and dried my hands off on my shirt. 
         I came out of the bathroom and saw a friend of mine, Brittany Powell, walking down the hall and I ran to show her my hair.  I wanted to ask her if she’d noticed it before and why I hadn’t but she was on the phone.  While I was waiting for her to get done talking I walked with her to the front of the building and went out into the foyer.  There I heard he telling the person on the phone that they were trying to load up the church van but there were too many people to fit in.  I thought about just walking home because even though it’d be a LONG walk Cutler’s apartments are only a few miles from where I live and I knew I could make it ... Then I woke up.

January 6, 2010

Taking Nemo for a Ride

I was hanging out with some friends at someone’s house (I love how dreams can be SO specific), and we decide to rent some movies.  The closest video store was Main Street Video in Sparta, so that’s where I went to get some movies.  I knew what video store it was supposed to be even though it didn’t look anything like the actual video store.  It looked like a two story town mini house in an upper class urban area.  I pulled up outside and went to get out and noticed that I hadn’t fed my fish in my car in awhile.  Yeah, that’s right, I had a fish tank in my car.  It was about eight inches tall by ten inches long with two sections, one of which could rotate, all built into my dash.  I was looking at my fish tank for a second and then I noticed that my car was about half filled with water and one of my fish was swimming around in the front.  I was going to use a little green net that came with my fish tank to put him back in, but I figured that I’d only be in the store for a second so it’d be alright.  I hopped out of the car and shut the door real fast so my fish didn’t fall out.  Brian Watkins (a friend of mine from my church) was in the back seat of the car and he was trying to tell me something in sign language.  I don’t know what he really said and in the dream I didn’t really care because it was raining outside and I didn’t want to get wet (I guess swimming in my car with my fish didn’t get me as wet as someone would think.  
I went into the video store and the inside didn’t look anything like main street video either.  Debbie, the woman who almost always works at main street video, wasn’t even there.  But I still somehow knew that this was the right video store.  On my way in I had to hop over this little board / mini  partition that stood about 4 inches tall, was about half an inch thick, and ran almost all the way across the bottom of the door frame.  I had no clue what that was and still don’t.  When I got into there I realized that I forgot witch movies I wanted to get.  I kept thinking that they all had something to do with Arnold Schwarzenegger; and then I kept telling myself, “Why would I want six movies about Arnold Schwarzenegger?”.  The girl that was working asked if I needed help and I told her that I was looking for some older movies, but that I couldn’t think of which ones.  She, who looked extremely Goth and was kind of freaking me out, said that they had some more old movies in the back and walked back there.  I think she might of wanted me to follow her but I just grabbed some random movies and left.   … Then I woke up. 

January 5, 2010

Prison Break and Demon Chihuahua

I missed something in the first part of the dream.  I know that I was in some sort of prison and there was a massive announcement/presentation of some kind where everyone was gathered in an auditorium type place that had huge sets of bleachers that could fold up against the walls for storage.  I know that in the first part of the dream I missed that I was sitting up in a high part of the bleachers that was now having problems folding up.  I don’t know exactly how I knew or how I was told to go underneath the bleachers, but that’s what I did.  When I went under the bleachers I saw this pool of plastic cylinders and this person that I was supposed to talk to.  The cylinders were the size of bottles but they had no lids or bottoms to them and they were all facing one direction and had some sort of light shining up through them.  They were stacked about chest high (maybe just a little lower) and seemed to be held in place by a row of glass cylinders that ran around the other plastic ones.  I started having a conversation with the person that was down under the bleachers about the prison and how things were and worked.  I think the person I was talking to was someone spiritual and they told me that they were going to bust me and someone else that was with me out of prison because we shouldn’t be there and there was really bad spiritual stuff going on there.  Of course I was on board with that. 
After I left the bleachers I went back to my cell, which actually happened to look a lot like an extremely awful hotel room or a horrible master bed room of a trailer with it’s own bathroom connected to it.  I would have guessed that a prison cell would have been worse though.   When I got in the room I explained what the guy under the bleachers said to the other guy in my cell.   What we had done with the cell was kind of like what Sam and Dean Winchester off the TV show Supernatural do.  The room had all kinds of markings and things hanging from around the door that was supposed to keep bad things from coming in.  Then something started to come through the bathroom mirror and into the room with us.  This thing was like a baby doll.  It had something like hamburger in it’s hair and a knife stuck in it’s head and it’s face was all messed up.  I think that it was supposed to be like a bad omen or something like that.  Just then some small little messed up looking monster about the size of a chihuahua tried to fly through the door way.  It was having trouble with all the wards I had set up for protection but was slowly worming it’s way through.  Just before it wiggled through the last layer of protection some big dark skinned guy that was in the cell across from us walked by and called the little beastie by name and it zoomed right out of our room and back into this guys.  I couldn’t believe that this atrocity would come to it’s name like how I just saw, so I said it’s name for some stupid reason.  The thing raced right into the room but before it could do anything the owner called it back scoldingly like someone would a dog.  Just before the owner could shut the door though the thing tried to come at the room a third time.  Unlike the second time when it was called, it had trouble getting through the layers of protection that had been put up.  Before it could try to dig it’s way through I shut the door in it’s face.  The door though was like some doors in some trailers that are almost 2 or 3 inches off the ground, only it was about 5 inches high.  I thought something along the lines of, “oh great, that’s not gonna help” and then the dream changed and I was somewhere else. 
In this part of the dream I was in a big trailer (bigger than a double wide) that was out in some kind of Hillbilly Montana.  I knew it was a trailer park but I also knew that we were in the mountains and that there was a lot of space between this trailer and any other one that might be around.  I was on a tan sectional with Sister Suzi, Vince, and I knew that some other people around (maybe Brother Dave)…  All those people are people from my church.  We were all talking about how trashy this trailer was.  It was definitely a trailer in some place like Montana, but I also knew it was Robert Cauldwell’s house (I don’t know why that is or how that works but that’s how it was).  Robert Cauldwell is a friend of my mom’s that goes way back.  And … Then I woke up. 

January 4, 2010

Crazy Killer Rabbit

This one’s a short one because I forgot most of it before I could really get a chance to think about it.  If I don’t force myself to recall every detail of a dream as soon as I’m done dreaming it I’ll forget what it’s about.  That’s why I’ve been recording some of my dreams so far on my phone.  When I say them out loud to record them it helps me remember. 
The part I remember was actually just the end of the dream.  I had just walked into a room from somewhere that might have been a party or something (all I remember is wherever I just came from there were several people).  The room I just walked into was in someone’s house and it was all dark.  I noticed something moving off in the corner or in a closet or something like that; the point was that it was off in the far shadows and was hard to see.  I could tell that it was some sort of freaky rabbit thing, like a rabbet with a head just a little bigger than mine and a snout longer than it should be.  The thing was staring at me like the wild animal it was wondering what I was going to do.  I wondered myself about what I was going to do, but I guess I figured that the thing couldn’t be too dangerous if and was probably easily scared.  So I tried to scare it away.  I did a little yell/roar thing that I can do and that usually can scare (or at least startle) most anything or anyone.  … I startled the thing alright, I scared it so bad that it came at me.  It jumped at me so fast that it was like a snake strike and latched onto my shoulder.  Obviously I was freaking out … Then I woke up. 

January 3, 2010

Black Pepper Chicken Pizza

I was in Sparta (Illinois) by myself and I was about at the place where Lollie’s is by the car wash.  Everything was spaced out really far.  It was still Sparta, I knew that everything was where it should be, but there were empty fields in between the buildings or something.  I was walking toward the car wash and I saw John McCaleb walking in the field between the highway and the carwash.  As I got closer I heard him singing a Christian song (I’m thinking it might’ve been a song from Tree63 but I’m not for sure).  I told him that I liked that song, he told me he did too, and we both kept going our separate ways.  Then all of a sudden I was with a group of guys in a car, still heading to the car wash, and I had to go to the bathroom.  I told the guys to go to the car wash because I had to pee, and one of them said a stupid joke like, “well I do to so maybe I should just pee in your mouth”.  After he said that I was kind of wondering why anyone would think that was funny or why I was hanging out with this guy.  The car wash wasn’t just a car wash; it also had a concession stand on the same lot as it.  I don’t remember what the guys wanted me to get but they said they were hungry so they were making me order them all something to eat from the stand (which Sis. Trina was working at).  I think I was going to order a pizza and was deciding what to put on it but was also arguing with the guys about how one of them should get out here and order because I Really had to pee.  I quickly gave up on trying to get them to get out of the car and order and I just ordered some random toppings for the pizza (black pepper chicken, like the kind from Chinese places).  As I was paying for the food I was thinking, “man I really gotta pee!”  … Then I woke up and thought, “man I really gotta pee!”

January 2, 2010

Slasher Movie

In this dream I was an actor playing a role in a horror/slasher movie.  The main character of the movie was being played by Paul Rudd (I didn’t know the guy’s name until I looked it up online, I just knew his face from other roles he’d played).  Paul was playing the part of a dad who had a wife and a daughter and they were all getting ready to move into a house that they had just bought and started remodeling.  I was the actor Leonardo Nam (I didn’t know his name either until I looked it up) and was playing a really small role in the film.  The first scene to be shot was where the family was walking into the house that was half way through being remodeled and the little girl wanted to see her room.  They took a quick glance at how things looked in the living room kitchen as they went to the stairs to go up to the little girl’s room.  One weird thing I noticed about the house was that the walls had really deep texturing on them, like an inch deep.  They walked up the stairs and went into the little girl’s room which hadn’t been started to be remodeled yet.  She had a big window/skylight that was actually a huge section of the roof and a toilet in her room.  The toilet in her room was kind of weird but it was even weirder that she had a bathroom right next to her room and a toilet in her room. 
I watched them do part of that scene and then I just walked away because they didn’t need me right then.  After Paul was done with his scene and while the people playing his wife and daughter were shooting another one he overheard me complaining about being such a small role and started telling me off.  As he was giving me this pep-talk I’m pretty sure I was rolling my eyes because I really didn’t care what he had to say because I was some be popular actor or something.  … Then I woke up. 

January 1, 2010

The Bird-Squirrel Children

           I just recorded this dream on my phone, I didn’t stop to think that it was on new years and that I could make a resolution out of recording them.  I just happened to recorded them on my phone starting at the first of the year and whenever I could so far after that. 
In this dream there was a momma bird and a poppa squirrel that both lived in a tree with several children.  For some reason the poppa squirrel had to go south for the winter and leave his family, which was a hard ordeal for him.  I remember watching him hang from a tree branch by his tail, which was also a big brow pipe cleaner, watching the sun set.   Now that I think about it he was staring off in the direction he was getting ready to head off to; but the sun doesn’t set in the south.  Poppa’ll probably be getting a Tom-tom for Christmas.  After poppa squirrel left it was just momma bird and her children.  The weird(er) thing about that is that the children weren’t birds, or squirrels, or some sort of hybrid, but human kids; and I was one of them.  Most of the kids were kept in the bottom of the tree trunk while Momma and Poppa and one of the kids stayed up at the top.  The one kid that lived up at the top of the tree was throwing things down the trunk and it was landing on the kids that were down there.  To get the kid to stop I had to climb up the center of the tree to the top and I was gonna tell him off.  When I got to the top I looked at the kid and he looked at me and we said both said nothing for a second.  I could tell he was thinking “how did he just do that?” … Then I woke up.