December 31, 2009

Breakfast with Betty

          I can’t remember the bulk of this dream and seeing as that I’ve lost the recording of me talking about it on my phone the story will be very short and without great detail.

          I was up at the Percy gas station with my friend Betty and we were eating breakfast. I’m not for sure what I had, though I can imagine that it was the biscuits and gravy (they have the best I’ve ever had). After we were done eating I realized that I didn’t have any money to pay for the food I’d just ate. I’m guessing that I thought I had money or that I had somehow lost some because I was looking around for it, but the whole time I was looking I was thinking about pulling a dine and dash kind of thing. I was looking around and noticed that Betty had left a tip. But she left her tip on her plate in the middle of her leftover food. I was calculating how much my food was and wondering if her tip would be able to cover it and … Then I woke up.

Praise Singer, Message Title, Supermarket Church


                    In this dream me and Sebastian, my brother, were praise singers at our church.  I don’t think it was a youth service because both Bro. Pendergrass and Bro. Pagan were up on the platform going about the normal service business.  For some reason the church kept changing kind of like a time blur thing or a time laps was being played.  The platform was fine and normal and everyone wasn’t acting like the rest of the church seemed weird or anything.  Bro. Pagan was leading song service and kinda vamping little things in between songs and Bro. Pendergrass had the other microphone and snuck in a few jokes.  Bro. Pagan just kinda blew it off and said something like, “You’re not really inspiring me here”.  Laughing it off, he continued on to the message after a few songs.  He gave the message title and somehow linked my name to it.  I couldn’t tell if he said “(message title here), like Bryan Conard” or if he just said his title and looked back at me and said my name, I couldn’t tell.  Me and Sebastian looked at each other trying to figure out what was going on, and we both just kinda had questioning looks on our faces. 

Then the dream changed and I was in the back of the church, only the church wasn’t the church; it was a supermarket.  I decided to walk towards the front of the church to go hear the preaching or teaching and ran into Keisha and Heather.  They were on their way out the front door (obviously in the front, but that’s different than in the church).  Me and some of the other people who could see them heading out were asking them to stay, but they kept saying that they couldn’t or wouldn’t or something like that.  That group of people that were asking Keisha and Heather to stay were the people getting ready for church and were just sitting in loose chairs waiting for service to start.  I was aiming to sit in a seat with an empty seat in front of me so that I could use it as a foot rest.  …  Then I woke up. 

Sleep Is My Canvas

Usually dreams are at the least insight into the dreamer’s subconscious which can open doorways of understanding to others and/or themselves. But, a lot of what I get out of my dreams is nothing but entertainment. So, I will use this journal to organize my dreams and my thoughts on them. Hopefully you’ll enjoy (and yes I know that rimes).

I've been keeping track of some of these dreams for awhile so until I get caught up the time of the dream and the time of the post will be off.